Uncertainty Management and Quantification in Industrial Analysis and Design
15th - 16th May 2012, EDF, Paris, France
Course: Hybrid RANS-LES Methods in Industrial CFD: Overview, Guidance and Examples
18th - 19th June 2012, Crowne Plaza Hotel, Hampton Marina, Virginia, USA
Course: CFD for Dispersed Multi-Phase Flow
18th - 19th July 2012, Institute for Thermal Turbomachinery and Machine Dynamics, Graz, Austria
Coronary Arterial and Micro-Vascular Fluid-Structure Interactions: Evolving concepts and investigative approaches
17th September 2012, National Heart and Lung Institute, London UK
Course: Computational Aeroacoustics
30th - 31st October 2012, GE, Munich, Germany
Course: Best Practice for Engineering CFD
November 2012, EU location