ERCOFTAC Da Vinci Competition

The ERCOFTAC da Vinci Prize for young researchers is awarded annually in recognition of an excellent PhD thesis in theoretical and applied fluid dynamics and outstanding scientific contributions with engineering relevance. The winner of the da Vinci Competition will be chosen from five finalists during the ERCOFTAC Autumn Festivals.

19th Da Vinci Competition, 10th October 2024, London, United Kingdom
  • 15th July 2024 - Deadline for submission of nominations: PC coordinators send the selected 3 research summaries (PDF) to the SPC Chairman:
  • 6th September 2024 - Participants will be informed about the jury vote and finalists will be given instructions on their presentations and travel arrangements.
  • 27th September 2024 - Finalists are requested to hand in a hardcopy of their PhD thesis to be received by the SPC two weeks before the finals.
  • 10th October 2024 - Finals of the 19th da Vinci Competition in London.


Interviews with Da Vinci W​inners



Numerical study on thermodiffusive instabilities in laminar and turbulent hydrogen flames


Three-dimensional computational fluid dynamics simulations of complex multiphase flows with surfactants



Ignition and propagation mechanisms of spray flames


11th ERCOFTAC Da Vinci Winner 2016
Daniel Kintea
Hydrodynamics and Thermodynamics of Ice Particle Accretion


Interviews with D​a Vinci Finalists




Candidates may be PhD students or recent PhD graduates who have submitted their PhD thesis after 1st January in year of competition.

The winner will be awarded the yearly Da Vinci Medal, a certificate and a cash prize of 1000 Euro. The other four finalists will receive certificates and medals.

Each ERCOFTAC Pilot Centre (PC) may nominate up to 3 candidates for the Da Vinci Competition. The selected candidates will be required to submit a 3-page summary of their research methods and achievements. The research summaries will be evaluated by international experts selected by the Scientific Program Committee (SPC). This Da Vinci Jury will decide on a shortlist of 5 finalists that will present their work at the Autumn Festival, where the final winner will be chosen.

Please note that due care should be given to the 3-page summary of the work, as this is all the information the Jury will have available for its decision regarding the shortlist. It is essential that the candidates write the summary independently.

The 3-page summary has to be prepared by the candidate as the only author and should include:

  • Title of the work;
  • Name, address and affiliation, email address, telephone number;
  • Name and affiliation of supervisor(s);
  • Summary of the work, explaining the main problem and the main result in a language that is understandable to the general public (max ½ page);
  • Scientific summary of objectives, research methodology, main results and achievements, and if possible a graphical representation. Particular emphasis should be given to novelty and originality of the methods and findings and their applicability in engineering;
  • List of up to 5 selected publications and an indication of the total output volume.

Travel and subsistence expenses incurred by the finalists will be reimbursed by ERCOFTAC. Prior to participation, the selected candidates are expected to present travel and accommodation plans to the SPC Chairman for approval.

It will be announced on yearly basis by ERCOFTAC SPC Chairman.


Past Events and Winners:

  • 9th Da Vinci Competition 2014, Rouen, France
  • 7th Da Vinci Competition 2012, Trieste, Italy
  • 6th Da Vinci Competition 2011, Darmstadt, Germany 
  • 5th Da Vinci Competition 2010, Lisbon, Portugal
  • 4th Da Vinci Competition 2009, Lausanne, Switzerland
  • 3th Da Vinci Competition 2008, Brussels, Belgium
  • 2th Da Vinci Competition 2007,
  • 1th Da Vinci Competition 2006, Athens, Greece