The scientific focus of SIG45 is on the quantification of output uncertainty in fluid mechanics due to uncertainty of any type of input parameters in a simulation code or in experiments. This includes output variability due to inherent variability in nature (or industrial processes), but also uncertainty due to unknown input parameters (e.g. due to not-yet decided design parameters, or due to unknown model inputs). Techniques to quantify this include polynomial chaos, interval estimation (e.g. based on min-max optimization, or linearization approaches), sensitivity analysis (possibly adjoint based), Monte-Carlo methods, etc. Moreover, depending
on the application, many of these techniques may be combined in new and innovative ways.
It is the long term objective of this SIG to coordinate and encourage joint research efforts between the SIG's industrial and academic members (this may include the definition of joint test cases, organization of workshops, etc.) on uncertainty quantification. In this way, we hope to encourage interaction between industry and academic research, stimulate the transfer of academic research to industry, and identify new challenges for research based on the needs encountered in industrial applications.
Pisa, Italy 11th - 13th September 2019 For further details:
13 Sep 2019Report on SIG45 Workshop Frontiers of Uncertainty Quantification in Fluid Dynamics – Pisa (Italy) 11th - 13th September 2019 The third edition of the FrontUQ workshops series was held in Pisa from 11 to 13 September 2019 and was focused on Uncertainty Quantification in Fluid Dynamics. Thanks to
13 Nov 2019