. The ERCOFTAC Association, is a global leader in the field of applied fluid dynamics. Through the guidance of its Knowledge Network Committee, is proud to announce a two day course on:
This course is targeted at relatively new and improving CFD analysts in engineering industries and consultancies.
It provides the knowledge to effect a step-change in the accuracy and reliability of CFD practices across a range of engineering applications relevant to the power generation, aerospace, automotive, built environment and turbomachinery sectors – amongst others.
This course is directly relevant to engineering applications of CFD for single-phase, compressible and incompressible, steady and unsteady, turbulent flows, with and without heat transfer. Much of the content will also be relevant to even more complex engineering applications.
The main focus will be on RANS applications, but an introduction to the special considerations required by LES and hybrid methods is also given.
The course provides the means for CFD analysts to significantly enhance their use of commercial and open-source CFD software for engineering applications. In particular, it provides guidance on best practices and highlights common pitfalls to be avoided.
"These hotel rates are maximum prices. If lower rates are available at the time of your booking, the lower rate will be booked by the hotel. Please be informed that these rates are for refundable bookings. If you prefer, you can ask the hotels for their non-refundable rates."
Local accommodations at which CWI can offer discount rates are listed below (excluding breakfast):
A. 125 euro/night, http://www.hampshire-hotels.com/the-manor-hotel-amsterdam-hampshire-eden
B. 110 euro/night, http://www.nh-hotels.nl/nh/nl/hotels/nederland/amsterdam/nh-tropen.html?nhagentid=10167&nhsubagentid=101670000000&oodc=6459&source=adwords
C. 99 euro/night, http://www.hotelcasa400.nl/
D. 10% discount, http://www.hotelrembrandt.nl/
ERCOFTAC Members: €640
Non-ERCOFTAC Members: €995
Please note fees cover lunches , refreshments and course material and dinner, but not accommodation.