15-16 April 2013
Salle des Conseils, Hôtel Pinet, Université de Poitiers, 15 rue de l'Hotel Dieu, 86034 Poitiers
This workshop will be held at the University of Poitiers on the 15th and 16th April 2013. There will be significant emphasis on discussions and possibilities for cross-fertilisation between different approaches, flows and applications.
Accomodation and Transportation here
LOCATION: Salle des Conseils, Hôtel Pinet, Université de Poitiers, 15 rue de l'Hotel Dieu, 86034 Poitiers. MAP OF POITIERS
D. Barros ,B. Noack, J. Borée, T. Ruiz, L. Cordier (P' Institute , Poitiers, France)title: High frequency forcing for drag reduction of a three-dimensional blunt-body.
L. Brizzi (P' Institute , Poitiers, France)
title: Impinging jet heat transfer improvement using acoustic forcing.
C. Cambon (Ecole Centrale Lyon, France)
title: Dynamics of three-point third-order correlations and phase coherence: From isotropic to anisotropic turbulence.
V. Dallas (LPS, Ecole Normale Supérieure , Paris, France)
title: Non-universal statistics of the flow topology in decaying MHD turbulence.
B. Dubrulle (CEA, Paris, France)
title: A zero-mode mechanism for spontaneous symmetry breaking in a turbulent von Kármán flow.
G. Elsinga (TU Delft, Netherland)
title: Vortex dynamics in a turbulent boundary layer.
V. Fortuné (P' Institute , Poitiers, France)
title: Fractal-generated turbulence and acoustic predictions.
W.K. George (Imperial College London, UK)
title: Reconsidering the local equilibrium hypothesis and implications for 'K41'-based theories of turbulence.
R. Gomes Fernandes (Imperial College London, UK)
title: Velocity gradient invariants in a spatially developing turbulent flow.
S. Laizet (Imperial College London, UK)
title: Stirring and mixing by grid-generated turbulence in the presence of a mean scalar gradient.
L. Mydlarski (McGill, Canada)
title: Péclet number effects: ramifications for both fundamental and applied statistics in turbulent flows.
F. Nicolleau, W. Brevis (Sheffield University, UK)
title: Time averaged and spectral characteristics of a shallow porous cylinder wake.
J. Peinke (Oldenburg University, Germany)
title: Experimental and numerical investigation of a fractal grid turbulence.
P. Sagaut (Université Pierre et Marie Curie , Paris, France)
title: Isotropic turbulence decay : from classical to unclassical decay regimes.
J.C. Vassilicos (Imperial College London, UK)
title: What are the origins of -5/3 spectra and related dissipation scalings?
J. Westerweel (TU Delft, Netherland)
title: On the effect of turbulence on bubbles in a horizontal channel flow.
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