
A subgrid scale flame surface density combustion model for the Large Eddy Simulation (LES) of premixed combustion is derived and validated. The model is based on fractal characteristics of the flame surface, assuming a self similar wrinkling of the flame between smallest and largest wrinkling length scales. Experimental and direct numerical simulation databases as well as theoretical models are used to derive a model for the fractal parameters, namely the cut-off lengths and the fractal dimension suitable in the LES context. The combustion model is designed with the intent to simulate low as well as high Reynolds number premixed turbulent flame propagation and with a focus on correct scaling with pressure. The combustion model is validated by simulations of turbulent Bunsen flames with methane and propane fuel at pressure levels between 0.1 MPa and 2 MPa and at turbulence levels of 0<u′/s0L<11 , conditions typical for spark ignition engines. The predicted turbulent flame speed is in a very good agreement with the experimental data and a smooth transition from resolved flame wrinkling to fully modelled, nearly subgrid-only wrinkling is realized. Evaluating the influence of mesh resolution shows a predicted mean flame surface and turbulent flame speed independent of mesh resolution for cases with 9–86 % resolved flame surface. Additional simulations of a highly turbulent jet flame at 0.1 MPa and 0.5 MPa and the comparison with experimental data in terms of flame shape, velocity field and turbulent fluctuations validates the model also at conditions typical for gas turbines.


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