Bulletin 42

Experimental and Numerical Analysis of Turbomachinery Flows

Selected Turbomachinery Research Topics at the Von Karman Institute
T.J. Craft, H. Iacovides and B.E. Launder

Validation Testing of CFD Techniques for Turbomachinery Flows
D.G. Gregory-Smith and S. Aubert

Turbomachinery Research at the Jet Propulsion Institute of the University of the Federal Armed Forces Munich
L. Fottner, P. M?ller and S. Brunner

CFD for Turbomachinery Applications within Sulzer Industries
P. Holbein and M.V. Casey

On the Use of Dual Time Stepping in Unsteady Turbomachinery Flow Calculations
A. Arnone, M. Marconcini and R. Pacciani

The Design of Small Centrifugal Compressors Using Advanced Computational Means
G. Sieros and K.D. Papailiou