Bulletin 28

Flow in Porous Media

Local Porosity Theory for the Transition from Microscales to Macroscales in Porous Media
R. Hilfer, B. Virgin and T. Rage

Modelling of Transport Phenomena in Porous Media. The Discrete Approach
M. Prat, P. Schmitz and S. Bories

From Inverse Problem to Reactive Transport in Groundwater Modelling
J. Carrera, A. Medina, G. Galarza and M. Saaltink

Multi-grid Methods for Porous Media Flow Problems
G. Wittum

Comparison of Cellular Automata and Finite Volume Techniques for the Simulation of Compressible Flow in Porous Media
J. Bernsdorf and M. Schäfer

Displacements of an Interface between Fresh and Salt Groundwater
A. Vertuijt

Numerical Simulation of Oil Recovery
G. Fotia, G. Manzini and A. Quarteroni

Phase Change Heat Transfer in Unconstricted Porous Medium. Application to Nuclear Safety Analysis
J.-M. Bucklin and A.K. Stubos

Application of Porous Medium Approach for the Resolution of Solidification Problems
D. Morvan, M.El Ganaoui and P. Bontoux

Study of Physics and Technology of Lyophobic Capillary Porous Mediums
A.G. Portjanoi, A.P. Sorukin, A.V. Kanaev, N.M. Matjukhin and V.S. Yegorov


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