ERCOFTAC Best Practice Guidelines
Computational Fluid Dynamics of Dispersed Multi-Phase Flows
First copy free to new members of ERCOFTAC
Version 1, October 2008

The simultaneous presence of several different phases in external or internal flows such as gas, liquid and solid is found in daily life, environment and numerous industrial processes. These types of flows are termed multiphase flows, which may exist in different forms depending on the phase distribution. Examples are gas-liquid transportation, crude oil recovery, circulating fluidized beds, sediment transport in rivers, pollutant transport in the atmosphere, cloud formation, fuel injection in engines, bubble column reactors and spray driers for food processing, to name only a few. As a result of the interaction between the different phases such flows are rather complicated and very difficult to describe theoretically. For the design and optimisation of such multiphase systems a detailed understanding of the interfacial transport phenomena is essential. For single-phase flows Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) has already a long history and it is nowadays standard in the development of air-planes and cars using different commercially available CFD-tools.
Due to the complex physics involved in multiphase flow the application of CFD in this area is rather young. These guidelines give a survey of the different methods being used for the numerical calculation of turbulent dispersed multiphase flows. The Best Practice Guideline (BPG) on Computational Dispersed Multiphase Flows is a follow-up of the previous ERCOFTAC BPG for Industrial CFD and should be used in combination with it. The potential users are researchers and engineers involved in projects requiring CFD of (wall-bounded) turbulent dispersed multiphase flows with bubbles, drops or particles.
Table of Contents:
- Introduction
- Fundamentals
- Forces acting on particles, droplets and bubbles
- Computational Multiphase Fluid Dynamics of dispersed flows
- Specific phenomena and modelling approaches
- Sources of errors
- Industrial examples for multiphase flows
- Checklist of Best Practice Advice
- Suggestions for future developments
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