Workshop 2007: Ghent University 


ERCOFTAC SIG10/SIG28 workshop, November 29th - 30th, 2007, Ghent, Belgium

Erik Dick(1), Chris Lacor(2), Witold Elsner(3), Bart Merci(1), Andrzej Boguslawski(3)

1. Ghent University, Belgium
2. Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium
3. Czestochowa University of Technology, Poland


The workshop was a joint organization of SIG10 (Transition Modeling), SIG28 (Reactive Flows) and PC-Belgium. It served as the yearly meeting of the members of PC-Belgium. However, presentations from members of PC-Belgium had to fit into the themes of the workshop. The workshop also functioned as a meeting of two bilateral projects: one on transition modelling by Ghent University and Czestochowa University of Technolgy and one on LES for combustion by Vrije Universiteit Brussel and Czestochowa University of Technology. The objective was to discuss progress in development of methods for Large- Eddy simulation, development of models for transition, including experiments on better understanding of transition mechanisms and development of models for combustion simulation. There were three invited speakers, one for each of the topics of the workshop.

Report: report-sig10-ghent-2007-11-29_30.pdf

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