First ERCOFTAC Mini-Symposium on Fluid-Structure Interaction

IMFT-UMR CNRS 5502- Toulouse, France

18th - 19th May 2006

Joint with the french "GDR-CNRS-2902-Interaction Fluide-Structure".


Agenda: agenda_gdr_ifs_18_19mai06.pdf


E. Longatte (EDF) - M. Souli (Université de Lille) :
Couplage fluide structure, simulations et applications industrielles 

C. Espinosa (ENSICA) - Y. De Lassat De Pressigny (CEVAP) :
Dynamic simulation of parachutes with fluid-structure interaction

B. Nogarede (ENSEEIHT / LEEI / EM3) :
Electroactive materials : from physical properties to novel actuation concepts

J. Vos (CFA Engineering) :
Aerodynamic Studies including Fluid-Structure Interaction of the F/A-18 Fighter for Load Analysis

H. Djeridi, C. Sarraf, J.Y. Billard (IRENAV) :
Investigation of thickness effects on 2D NACA symmetric foils and survey of cavitating effects on the structure of the turbulent boundary layer in the wake of partial cavity

P.C. Fernandes, P. Ern, F. Risso, D. Fabre and J. Magnaudet (IMFT) :
Oscillatory motion of axisymmetric bodies rising freely in a liquid of low viscosity

S. Bourdet, M. Braza, G. Martinat, R. El Akoury, P. Chassaing, G. Harran (IMFT) :
Dynamic mesh adaptation in the flow around pitching airfoils, in the context of fluid-structure interaction

R. Dallinga (Seakeeping Department, MARIN inc.The Netherlands) :
The character and magnitude of bow flare slamming induced hull girder whipping

Y. Ventikos
(Oxford University) :
Multiphysics and multiscale modelling for blood-tissue interaction in bioengineering

E. Longatte (EDF) :
ADF activities in Fluid-Structure interaction in the context of ERCOFTAC

C. Mockett (TU-Berlin) :
Joint experimental and numerical study of the flow around a circular cylinder, and overview of fluid-structure-interaction activities at TU-Berlin

A. Leroyer (Ecole Centrale de Nantes) :
Fluid-Structure Interaction Activities of the Laboratoire de Modelisation - Ecole Centrale de Nantes

Round table discussion for the creation of a new ERCOFTAC SIG (Special Interest Group) in "Fluid-Structure Interaction"

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