Bulletin 18

Parallel Computing in CFD

Towards an Integrated Parallelization Concept in Computational Fluid Dynamics
H. Friz and S. Nölting

Parallel Computations in France West
Y. Lebret, M. Nabarra, L. vervisch, Y. Escaig and D. Vandromme

Parallelization of the Method of Characteristics on a CRAY YMP
Y. Souffez

Parallel Solution Schemes for the Navier-Stokes Equations
J. Hofhaus and M. Meinke

A. Dervieux and S. Lanteri

Parallel CFD at the UK-North Pilot Centre
D.R. Emerson, T. Franklin, P.K. Jimack and M.A. Leschziner

The "Computational Fluid Dynamics on Massively-Parallel Computers" Project
M.L. Sawley


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