Bulletin 58


B.J. Boersma

Research in Aeroacoustics at the Centre Acoustique of Ecole Central de Lyon
D. Juvé

High Speed Jet Noise Suppression using Microjets
A. Krothapalli, B. Greska

Aeroacoustics Investigations at the University of Erlangen
M. Breuer, S. Becker, M. Kaltenbacher

Large-Eddy Simulation of Jet Engine Exhaust Noise
D.J. Bodony, S.K. Lele

Acoustic Far-Field Prediction of Transitional Jet Flow using LES and Lighthill's Acoustic Analogy
B. Rembold, L. Kleiser

Hybrid Method for Broadband Noise Predictions, Part I: Discontinuous Galerkin Method for the Linerized Euler Equations
C. Blom, R. Hagmeijer, H. Hoeijmakers

Hybrid Method for Broadband Noise Predictions, Part II: General Description and Applications
A. Védy

Spectral Analysis of Airframe Noise Sources of an aircraft Model Airbus A320/A321
D. Blacodon

A Two-Step LES/APE Approach for Airframe Noise
W. Schröder, R. Ewert, M. Meinke

Acoustic Prediction of a Cylinder and Airfoil Configuration at High Reynolds Number with LES and FWH
E. Sorgüven, F. Magagnato, M. Gabi

Large Eddy Simulation of the Sound Field of a Round Turbulent Jet
B.J. Boersma

Numerical Simulation of Sound Propagation and Radiation from Aero-Engines
N. Schönwald, X.D. Li, C. Schemel, D. Eschrich, N. Boltalova, F. Thiele

Noise Generation by an Incoming Gust Landing in a Swirling Flow between Two Coaxial Cylinders
M. Hamadiche

Theoretical Duct Acoustics at Eindhoven University of Technology
S.W. Rienstra


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