Bulletin 128, September 2021

Table of Contents:

Respiratory Airflows and Aerosol Deposition
S. C. Kassinos and J. Sznitman

Analysis of Drug Particle Deposition in Swirl-Type Dry Powder Inhalers
M. Sommerfeld

How Flow Rate, Head Position, and Inhaler Orientation Affect the Drug Deposition in the Mouth-Throat
F.S. Stylianou, P.G. Koullapis, B. Olsson and S.C. Kassinos

The Fate of Inhaled Hygroscopic Particles Inside the Human Airways
F.S. Stylianou, P.G. Koullapis, and S.C. Kassinos

Experimental and Computational Modelling of Aerosol Transport Using the BUT Benchmark Human Lung Mode
F. Lizal, J. Elcner, M. Belka, J. Jedelsky, and M. Jicha

Variations of Flow Patterns in the Upper Bronchial Tree During the Breathing Cycle
K. Bauer, R. Schwarze and T. Janke


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