10th Conference on Synthetic Turbulence Models

  4th and 5th September 2014, Erlangen, Germany

Synthetic turbulence, wavelet and CFD

LSTM University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany

Conference Program:

Preliminary talks &

Conference Program: Preliminary talks & programme:

A. Baggaley, University of Glasgow, Department of Mathematics, UK


W. Brevis, Sheffield Fluid Mechanics Group, University of Sheffield, UK

Flow behind cylinders arrays

C. Cambon, LMFA, Ecole Centrale de Lyon, France


A. Delgado, University of Erlangen, GermanyTBAN. Malik, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, Saudi Arabia

From Richardson 1926 to Malik 2014: what governs the turbulent pair diffusion process?Large scale sweeping and other issues in turbulent pair diffusion

T. Michelitsch, G. Maugin, S. Derogar, F. Nicolleau and A.F. Nowakowski, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Institut Jean le Rond d'Alembert, Paris, France


F. Nicolleau and M. Farhan, Sheffield Fluid Mechanics Group, University of Sheffield, UK


A. F. Nowakowski, Sheffield Fluid Mechanics Group, University of Sheffield, UK


J.M. Redondo, Fisica Aplicada UPC, Spain


M. W. Reeks, School of Mechanical and Systems Engineering, University of Newcastle, UK.


N. M. Sangtani Lakhwani, F. C. G. A. Nicolleau and W. Brevis, Sheffield Fluid Mechanics Group, University of Sheffield, UK

Vortex generation after a fractal orifice

L. Zhou, Lehrstuhl für Strömungsmechanik, Institute of Fluid Mechanics, LSTM, Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany

Wavelet Synthetic Turbulence

KS is widely used in various domains, including Lagrangian aspects in turbulence mixing/stirring, particle dispersion/clustering, and last but not least, aeroacoustics. Flow realisations with complete spatial, and sometime spatio-temporal, dependency, are generated via superposition ofrandom modes (mostly spatial, and sometime spatial and temporal,Fourier modes), with prescribed constraints such as: strict incompressibility (divergence-free velocity field at each point), high Reynolds energy spectrum, ... Recent improvements consisted inincorporating linear dynamics, for instance in rotating and/or stably-stratified flows, with possible easy generalisation to MHD flows,and perhaps to plasmas. KS for channel flows have also been validated.

However, the absence of "sweeping effects" in present conventional KS versions is identified as a major drawback invery different applications: inertial particle clustering as well as in aeroacoustics. Nevertheless, this issue was addressed in some reference papers, and merits to be revisited in the light of new studies in progress.

A further goal of this conference is to bring people from different disciplines together. In particular recent emerging fractal approaches have the potential to provide the framework for the construction of new synthetic turbulent flows. Interdisciplinary contributors are especially invited to contribute.


Pr A. Delgado -LSTM University of Erlangen-NurembergCauerstraße 4 (LSTM), 91058 Erlangen, Germany

Long Zhou LSTM University of Erlangen-NurembergCauerstraße 4 (LSTM), 91058 , Erlangen, Germany

Dr F. of Sheffield, Sheffield Fluid Mechanics, SFMG - Department of Mechanical Engineering, Sheffield, United Kingdom

Dr T. Michelitsch Institut Jean le Rond d'Alembert, CNRS UMR 7190Université Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris 6), Paris, France

Dr A. University of Sheffield, Sheffield Fluid Mechanics, SFMG - Department of Mechanical Engineering, Sheffield, United Kingdom

Travel and Accommodation:

Some of the hotels are close to the city center but unfortunately, none of them are very close to LSTM which locate in south part of Erlangen and about 3-5 km far from city center. However, the bus connections are very convenient in Erlangen. Some hotels in Erlangen

LSTM University of Erlangen-NurembergCauerstraße 4 (LSTM), 91058 Erlangen, Germany

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